Monday, January 5, 2009

Celtic Concert and Tea Report!

If you weren't able to be at the Richland Area Community Center in person on December 28, we're sorry to tell you that you missed one of the most delightful afternoons in a long time. PAF's Celtic Concert and Tea was a great success. Even the weather cooperated to let more than 85 people attend the concert by Erica Holcomb, who played the Scottish harp and a guitar and sang songs both traditional and original.

Afterwards, Jeri Holcomb of Tudor House Tea served an amazing array of treats and delicious teas on fine china and white tablecloths. It was quite a day. Jeri had also donated a beautiful tea gift basket, which was raffled, and copies of Erica's two CDs were sold. Huge thanks to all the Holcombs for sharing their musical and culinary gifts, and for doing all the hard work for the event. Rick Holcomb designed and printed the beautiful posters and tickets, so many thanks to him, too.

Between ticket sales and raffle tickets, the event raised just over $1,000 for the Performing Arts Foundation. That will go a long way towards arts education projects in our schools. Thank you to everyone who attended and supported PAF!

Thanks, too, to all the volunteers who helped it to happen. Robin and Sarah Nott, Pat, Louise and Emily Hanavan, Jan and Lisa Watson, Murray Cooper, and of course the Holcombs all pitched in. Even some of the folks who attended as guests wound up lending a hand. Thank you! And we are grateful to the Richland Area Community Center for hosting the event--and for hosting PAF's monthly meetings all year long.

One last note, speaking of PAF's monthly meetings: Our longtime regular meeting day has been changed. The new meeting time for PAF will be 6:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month, starting this month. So our next meeting is not this week but will instead be on Tuesday, January 13, at 6:30 p.m. at the Richland Area Community Center. See you then!

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